114 Minors Snow Tubing – January 25

Trip Info: On Saturday, January 25th, 2020 the Lakeview Baptist youth group (114 Minors) will be going on a road trip to enjoy a day of fellowship & enjoying one of God’s greatest creations… SNOW! Everyone who wants to go MUST have a permission slip on file AND fill out the Moonshine Mountain Release of Liability form.

Drop Off: 8:00 am we will meet at the church and leave as soon as we can get everyone loaded safely.

Pick Up: 5:00 pm we plan to be back at the church with thouroughly exhausted chaperones (& hopefully tired teens).

Location: Moonshine Mountain
5865 Willow Road, Hendersonville, N.C. 28739
(828) 696-0333

Chaperones: Pastor Eric Hill, Assistant Pastor Chris Culbreath, Youth Teachers Derek & Ellyn Reeder

Cost: $15-$20 for a late lunch at Cheddars or Binion’s Restaurant.
The church will be covering the costs for snow tubing.

Due On: Day of Event (1/25/2020)

Additional Details: Dress for COLD weather: Coat, hat, gloves, boots, socks, and close toed shoes. You may dress appropriately for the SC weather that day and bring extra layers of clothes. Feel free to bring snacks.

We do realize that we may experience delays with our plans, but we will do our best to get everyone home on time. If any delays arise we will keep you in the loop.

Fall Festival – October 27

Pastor Appreciation Day – October 13