The Tabb Family – September 20

Join us on September 20th @ 11am

FREE & Open to the Public. Love Offering will be received.

Starting, at first, with just Sean and Lydia, the Tabb Family’s Music has grown over the years as every one of the children started singing on-stage before they were 2 years old. They recorded 10 albums during the ‘growing’ years but, starting in 2018, they recorded their first ‘radio quality’ professional album. When ministering in song at churches, the family is adaptable to whatever that specific church wishes – whether it be just basic piano, or, to also incorporate a full-band soundtrack sound.

The Tabb children have become an invaluable addition to the Tabb ministries touching hearts in their own way. God has blessed Ashley, Ellisa, Sabrina, and Jessalynn with servants’ hearts and beautiful voices. Brenden, is ‘all boy’ with his own a love for music, his singing steals the heart.

The Tabb Family’s ministering keeps them going year-round so that they have lived full-time on the road for 13 years. Yearly, they travel from coast to coast in the US and in multiple foreign countries preaching and singing conferences, revivals, youth camps, rally’s, tent meetings, camp meetings and music events as well as their own specific outreaches.

To find out more about the Tabb family, please visit their website

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